from November 14th to 16th, 2024 in Madrid
– Group 1 –
Topic 1: Replacement of tooth structure lost due to caries -> focus posterior
Topic 2: Non-/minimally invasive esthetic concepts -> focus anterior
– Senior research assistant at the Department of Prosthodontics, Geriatric Dentistry and Craniomandibular Disorders, Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Berlin Germany.
– Qualified Advanced Specialist in Prosthodontics by the German Society for Prosthetic Dentistry and Biomaterials e. V. (DGPro)
– Active Member of the Italian Academy of Prosthetic Dentistry (AIOP)
Dr. Frank Spitznagel is an Associate Professor at the Department of Prosthodontics, University Hospital Düsseldorf and Heinrich-Heine-University, Düsseldorf, Germany. He graduated in 2014 from the University of Freiburg and obtained his Dr. med. Dent degree from the same University in 2016. He was awarded with the 1st prize “Young Esthetics” from the Germany Academy of Esthetic Dentistry (DGÄZ) in 2019 and received a research fellowship from the International College of Prosthodontists (ICP) in 2022-2023. He has also won the first place at the premiere of the ITI Open Mic New Speaker Contest (ITI – International Team for Implantology) in September 2022 in Germany. Dr. Spitznagel is a board certified prosthodontist of the German Society of Prosthodontics and Biomaterials (DGPro) and certified in Implant Dentistry (DGI- German Society of Implantology). His clinical and scientific focus is in the field of fixed tooth- and implant-supported all-ceramic reconstructions, digital workflows and implant dentistry.
Prof. Beuer is a certified specialist in implantology and dental prosthetics and a member of the Executive Board of the Working Group for Ceramics (AG Keramik), and has been an educational consultant on the Executive Board of DGI since 2015.
Dubravka Knezović Zlatarić is Professor of Prosthodontics in the Department of Removable Prosthodontics and Head of Ellective Lectures „Basics of Esthetic Dentistry“ and „Digital clinical communication with the dental laboratory“ at the School of Dental Medicine, University of Zagreb, Croatia, where she gained her clinical certificate in Prosthodontics and completed PhD. As a member of European Prosthetic Association she was awarded three times – for the best presented scientific study, poster presentation and for the young investigators in the fields of Prosthodontics. In 2007, she was the winner of the second place for outstanding poster presentation at the meeting of the International College of Prosthodontists in Fukuoka, Japan. She has been the principle investigator and project manager of several scientific projects financed by Ministry of science and University of Zagreb. Her research and clinical focus is on various esthetic dental treatments with emphasis on minimally invasive procedures restoring teeth to their natural appearance in different color management protocols.
My name is Hannah Bleiel. I’m a dentist and research assistant at Charité University Hospital in Berlin. I work in teaching, research and practice in the field of prosthodontics and implantology.
1996- 2001 College of Dentistry, DDS degree from Albert-Ludwigs University, Freiburg, Germany
2002-2006 Assistant Professor at the Department of Prosthodontics, College of Dentistry, Albert-Ludwigs University, Freiburg, Germany
2003 Dr Med Dent Degree
2005 Board certified Prosthodontist, German Society of Prosthodontics and Dental Materials (DGPro)
2006-2009 Visiting Assistant Professor at the Department of Biomaterials and Biomimetics, NYU College of Dentistry, New York, USA
2009 Assoc. Professor at the Department of Prosthodontics, College of Dentistry, Albert-Ludwigs University, Freiburg (Chair Prof. Strub)
In 2011, Dr Med Dent Habil degree (PhD equivalent)
Since 2016 professor and chair of the Department of Prosthodontics at the Heinrich-Heine Universität Düsseldorf, Germany
Dr. Marco Jäggi is Senior Lecturer and Research Associate at the Department of Reconstructive Dentistry, UZB, Basel, Switzerland. He is supervisor of postgraduate students at the Departement of Reconstructive Dentistry and is responsible of undergraduate course. He studied dentistry in Basel where he also received his doctoral degree in 2021. He completed his postgraduate programm at the University of Basel in 2023 and is Specialist in Reconstructive Dentistry by the Swiss Society Reconstructive Dentistry (SSRD).
Dr. Jaime Jimenez Garcia received his DDS degree from the Complutense University of Madrid, Spain. He went for post graduate studies to New York University, where he stayed two years getting the certificate on Perio and Implant Dentistry directed by Prof Dennis Tarnow. One year later, he received the 3rd award New York University College of Dentistry Student Research Competition held. For four years he served as Partial time Professor on the Implant Department at the European University of Madrid, where he is currently the Chairman of the Department. Nowadays he is a visiting Faculty and International Program Director for Oral Implantology (European University of Madrid, Spain), Continuing Dental Education Programs of the New York University College of Dentistry. He is currently at the same university Assistant Professor at the department of Periodontics and Implant dentistry. He has lectured worldwide in over 25 countries recently ( England, France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Brasil, Colombia, Argentina, Uruguay, Peru, Korea, China, Japan, USA, etc.) at international meetings on the field of implant dentistry. He is member of various National and International societies (SEPES, SEPA, AO, EAO, AAP). His activities, both in Clinical Practice and Clinical Research cover the field of Oral Implantology as well as implant Prosthodontics.
Prof. Dr. Ronald Jung specializes in crown-bridge prosthetics, partial prosthetics and dental materials science and is professor of implantology and head of the implantology department at the University of Zurich.
– Professor of Prosthodontics University of Seville
– Spanish Society of Prosthodontics and Esthetic Dentistry (SEPES) Vice president
– Council member European Prosthodontic Association (EPA)
– Specialist in Prosthodontics n.88 (EPA)
– Chairman of Sepes Seville 2024
Dr. Miguel A. Ortiz began working in the dental industry as a Dental Technician in 2002 after graduating from one of the only two year ADA accredited programs in California State. During the next 8 years he both worked and studied full time in Los Angeles, receiving a B.S. Biochemistry with Honors from California State University. He was recruited to Harvard School of Dental Medicine, where he won the Leo Talkoy Award for excellence in clinical dentistry and his Doctorate of Dental Medicine, (DMD). Dr. Ortiz went on to become a prosthodontist at the University of Illinois at Chicago in 2017.
– Born in 1987 in Madrid, dentist specialised in implant dentistry, both surgical and prosthetic. Focused in digital dentistry, material science, minimally invasive protocols.
– Father of Blanca (born Jan 2023) and another baby on the way for July 2024!
– Passionate about mountain biking, backpacking, nature. Also into any kind of music.
Dental Technician Luc Rutten is a lab owner specializing in ceramics and esthetic implantology. He specifically uses the latest digital technologies as well as analog skills. He has gained international renown through numerous international lectures, publications and advisory board activities.
Prof. Dr. Sigmar Schnutenhaus’ main areas of practice are periodontology and implantology, in each of which he completed a Master’s degree. He looks back on more than twenty years of experience working in implantology.
Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Jörg R. Strub received a doctoral degree from and later qualified as a professor at the University of Zurich, Switzerland. He was awarded his honorary degree (Dr. h.c.) at the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece. He worked as a professor and medical director at the Department of Prosthetic Dentistry at Albert-Ludwig University, Freiburg, Germany, and has been a professor emeritus since 2016. Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Jörg R. Strub continues to work as a consultant for businesses.
I am a prosthodontist and the director of Digital Dental Technologies Research Laboratory at the University of Bern. I was promoted to the rank of Full Professor in 2019 at The Ohio State University College of Dentistry, where I was involved in teaching dental and postdoctoral students and research in the Division of Restorative Science and Prosthodontics, also practicing in the Dental Faculty Practice. In 2020, I became the Director of Digital Dental Technologies Research Laboratory at the University of Bern School of Dental Medicine. I am currently an Adjunct Professor at the Ohio State University. I hold a special interest in implant prosthodontics and digital dentistry and published more than 280 original research studies, and clinical and technical reports. I am the co-author of the Implants Chapter in 5th and 6th editions of “Contemporary Fixed Prosthodontics” textbook by Rosenstiel et al. My activity in specialty organizations includes Associate Editorship at the Journal of Prosthodonics, membership on the Editorial Board of the Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry and Journal of Dentistry, Digital Dentistry Section, and I also serve as the Chair of the E-Posters Committee in the Academy of Osseointegration. I am a member of the American Academy of Fixed Prosthodontics.
– Group 2 –
Topic 3: Examining the necessity of evaluation in increased occlusal vertical dimension procedures: A systematic review* (including rigidly supported restorations)
Topic 4: Direct vs. indirect restorations for increasing the VDO
*Including the in vitro studies in both topics aiming to find enough papers to do the review
My name is Malin Strasding, I am Lecturer at the University of Geneva, Division for Fixed Prosthodontics and Biomaterials (Head: Prof. Irena Sailer) since 2016. I studied in Freiburg, Germany and then worked as a Research Assistant in the Department for Prosthetic Dentistry (Head: Prof. J. Strub) from 2014-2016. I am specialized in Reconstructive Dentistry (Swiss Society for Reconstructive Dentistry SSRD) and Specialist in Prosthodontics (DGPro).
Currently, I am resposible for the undergraduate clinical training and co-responsable for the postgraduate specialisation programme. My research focus lies on novel restorative concepts in fixed prosthodontics supported by digital technologies.
Jennifer Chantler is an Australian board-certified prosthodontist, with a special interest in digital dentistry and ceramics. Graduating from the University of Western Australia with a Bachelor of Dental Science in 2014, she then went on to complete her Doctoral of Clinical Dentistry in Prosthodontics from the University of Melbourne, Australia in 2020. After working in private practice in Melbourne for 3 years, in 2023 she joined the University of Zurich as a research assistant in prosthodontics.
Alexis Ioannidis, who graduated with honors in dentistry from the University of Zurich in 2009, earned his doctorate (Dr. med. dent.) in 2013 and his Venia Legendi (Habilitation) in Reconstructive Dentistry in 2021. He completed his postgraduate training at the University of Zurich at the Clinic of Reconstructive Dentistry in 2016, followed by a Clinical Research Foundation-supported research fellowship at the Department of Biomaterials, University of Athens, Greece. In 2017, Alexis Ioannidis brought his expertise back to the University of Zurich, contributing as a Senior Lecturer and Researcher at the Clinic of Reconstructive Dentistry, where he was appointed as Head of Reconstructive Dentistry at the clinic in 2023.
PD Dr. med. dent. Nadja Rohr is head of the Biomaterials and Technology research group at the University Center for Dental Medicine Basel UZB, Switzerland and head of dental technicians. The group analyzes clinical challenges and finds a translational research approach to provide convincing evidence-based solutions for clinicians and manufacturers.
Nadja Rohr lectures on dental materials for bachelor and master students and is involved in practical courses in Reconstructive Dentistry at the University of Basel. She studied dentistry in Basel where she also received her doctoral degree in 2016. To gain a more in depth understanding of material-cell interaction, she spent a year at the Cell Biology Department in Rostock, Germany in 2018. Since 2020 she holds a PD title in Reconstructive Dentistry and finished a Master of Business Administration degree at the FHNW in 2023.
– Professor of Restorative Dentistry Universitat Internacional de Catalunya (UIC) Barcelona
– Institutional Vice Dean. Universitat Internacional de Catalunya. UICBarcelona Dentistry Faculty
– SEPES (Spanish Society of Prosthodontics and Esthetic dentistry) Secretary-Treasurer
– Master degree in Prosthetic Dentistry at the Universitat Internacional de Catalunya
– PhD in Dentistry
– Articles and conferences in Prosthodontic field
– Professor and Chairman of Prosthodontics, University of the Basque Country in Bilbao
– President of the International Federation of Esthetic Dentistry (IFED) (2018-2022)
– “DENTIST OF THE YEAR” Award given by the Spanish Dental Council – Spanish Dental Assosication, Madrid (2018)
– President of the International College of Prosthodontics (2007-2009)
– President of International College of Dentists (European-Section) (1999-2001)
– President of the European Academy of Esthetic Dentistry (1991-1993)
– President of the Spanish of Society of Prosthodontics (1990-1992)
– Board Member of the European Association for Osseointegration (2007-2011)
Prof. Christoph Hämmerle’s group deals scientifically and clinically with solidly attached reconstructions on teeth and implants. The main focus is on the development and evaluation of all-ceramic reconstructions.
2006 – 2011 Research assistant at the Department of Prosthodontics, University Halle, Germany
2012 – 2016 Associate Professor Department of Prosthodontics, University Halle, Germany
2016 – 2017 Temporary Head Department of Prosthodontics, University Halle, Germany
2018 – 2020 Deputy Director of the Department of Prosthodontics, University Halle, Germany
2020 – 2022 Deputy Director Department of Prosthodontics at Charité University of Medicine Berlin, Germany
2022 Head Department at the Department of Prosthodontics, University Halle, Germany
Dr. João Pitta is currently Senior Lecturer and clinical responsible of undergraduate course and supervisor of postgraduate students at Division of Fixed Prosthodontics and Biomaterials of University of Geneva. He has his clinical activity in a private practice in Geneva, Switzerland. He is Specialist in Reconstructive Dentistry by the Swiss Society Reconstructive Dentistry (SSRD) and in Prosthodontics by the European Prosthodontic Association (EPA). He obtained a Master of Advanced studies and Doctorate from University of Geneva. He is currently member of the EAO Junior Committee, and ITI and ICD fellow. Dr. Pitta is author of numerous publications in international peer-reviewed journals in the fields of fixed prosthodontics, implant dentistry and digital technologies.
Senior lecturer, Division for Fixed Prosthodontics and Biomaterials, University Clinics for Dental Medicine, University of Geneva, Switzerland. Dr. Duygu Karasan after earning her specialization in Prosthodontics and PhD in Turkey, was awarded with the ITI scholarship in 2018, at the University of Geneva in in the Division for Fixed Prosthodontics and Biomaterials. She remained in the same division following her scholarship, completing her specialization in Reconstructive Dentistry and obtaining her Master in Advanced Studies and doctorate between 2020 and 2023. Currently, Dr. Karasan serves as a Research and Teaching Fellow at the Division of Fixed Prosthodontics and Biomaterials at the University of Geneva. In addition to her role coordinating the undergraduate fixed prosthodontics clinic, she serves as a supervisor in the post-graduate education program. She has authored numerous publications in peer-reviewed journals, focusing on implant dentistry, biomechanics, application of digital technologies in the dental field, and efficiency optimization in dental workflows.
Amélie Mainjot is a clinician and researcher. She graduated from the University of Liège (Belgium), where she also completed a 3-year postgraduate program in oral rehabilitation. She obtained a Master of Science in Dental Materials Technology from the University of Paris Descartes (France) and a PhD from the University of Paris 13 and the University of Liège. She then spent 3 years as a researcher and lecturer at the Paris Descartes University before becoming Professor of Dental Biomaterials at the University of Liège. She is the co-founder and director of the Dental Biomaterials Research Unit (d-BRU). Her research interests include ceramics and composites (in particular CAD-CAM materials) and the development of new minimally invasive treatment strategies for teeth and implants. Her clinical activities as Head of Clinic in the Department of Fixed Prosthodontics at the University Hospital of Liège focus on esthetic and minimally invasive dentistry, as well as multidisciplinary management of complex cases. She lectures internationally, co-organises master classes in esthetic and minimally invasive dentistry in Liège and is an active member of the European Academy of Esthetic Dentistry. She is the author of numerous international publications on dental materials and esthetic dentistry and serves as a reviewer for international journals in this field.
Dr. Fonseca is a Prosthodontist and full time faculty in the Department of Reconstructive Dentistry and Gerodontology at the University of Bern and also current coordinator of the Department’s Postgraduate Program. He obtained a certificate in Prosthodontics at the University Hospital Freiburg in Germany. After his stay in Germany, Dr. Fonseca did an Implant Fellowship in the Center for Maxillofacial Prosthodontics at Texas A&M-Baylor College of Dentistry in Dallas, USA. Since 2016, Dr. Fonseca works at the University of Bern, where he got a Master in Advanced Studies in Reconstructive Dentistry and Oral Implantology and did his Board Certification by the Swiss Society of Reconstructive Dentistry.
Dental Technician Patrick Rutten is a lab owner specializing in ceramics and esthetic implantology. He specifically uses the latest digital technologies as well as analog skills. He has gained international renown through numerous international lectures, publications and advisory board activities.
2024 Deputy head of the Department of Reconstructive Dentistry, UZB, Basel, Switzerland
2023 Specialist for reconstructive dentistry awarded by the Swiss Society for Reconstructive Dentistry SSRD
2022 Senior Resident/Senior Research Associate at the Department of Reconstructive Dentistry, UZB, Basel, Switzerland, with Prof Dr Nicola U. Zitzmann
2019 – 2023 SSRD Specialist training program for reconstructive dentistry/Postdoctoral Research Associate at the Department of Reconstructive Dentistry, UZB, Basel, Switzerland, with Prof Dr Nicola U. Zitzmann
2016 – 2018 Postdoctoral Research Fellow at King’s College London, UK, with Prof Dr Paul Sharpe in Regenerative Dentistry, focusing on the modulation of Wnt/βcatenin signalling pathway during dentine formation following tooth damage
2012 – 2019 Resident / Postdoctoral Research Associate at the Clinic for Periodontology, Endodontology and Cariology, School of Dental Medicine, University of Basel, Switzerland; scientific and clinical focus: Endodontology, Microbiology and Dental Traumatology with Prof Dr Roland Weiger
2013 Doctor of Dental Medicine
2011 Federal Diploma of Dental Medicine awarded by the Federal Department of Home Affairs of Switzerland
– Group 3 –
Topic 5: Use of vertical versus horizontal preparations for minimally invasive restorations*
Topic 6: Accuracy (trueness and precision) of intraoral scanners for minimally invasive dentistry*
*Including the in vitro studies in both topics aiming to find enough papers to do the review
– USC Periodontology Specialization: 2013-2016
– UCLA Implantology Specialization: 2016-2017
– Diplomate of the American Board of Periodontology: 2017
– PhD UIC: 2019
– UZH Prosthodontics and Reconstructive Dentistry Specialization: 2017-2022
– Editor in Chief IJED: 2022-present
– Prosthodontics Specialist by SSRD 2023
– Associate faculty USC and UIC: 2022-present
– Private practice in Bilbao (Clínica Dental Albia)
Dr. Marta Revilla-León is Faculty and Director of Research and Digital Dentistry at the Kois Center in Seattle, WA. Dr. Revilla-León obtained her PhD in Prosthodontics and Digital Dentistry at ACTA University in Amsterdam. She obtained her MSD in prosthodontics at the University of Washington in Seattle and a MS in Esthetic Dentistry at the Complutense University of Madrid. Dr. Revilla-León is specialist in digital dentistry with more than 200 publications in peer-reviewed dental journals in the last 5 years related with facial and intraoral scanning methods, virtual patient integration, photogrammetry, polymer, metal, and ceramic 3D printing, CAD SWs, and artificial intelligence for dental applications.
Currently, Dr. Revilla is also Affiliate Faculty in the Graduate in Prosthodontic Program at the University of Washington in Seattle and in the Graduate in Prosthodontic Program at Tufts University in Boston. She is also member of the Council of Scientific Affairs of the American Dental Association (ADA).
– Full professor and Head of the Conservative and Prosthetic Dentistry. Complutense University of Madrid (UCM)
– Director of the MASTER PROGRAM in “Restorative Dentistry based on New Technologies” at the UCM
– SEPES (Spanish Society of Prosthodontics and Esthetic dentistry) President
– Master degree in Prosthetic Dentistry at the University Complutense and Specialist in Prosthodontics by the European Prosthodontics Association
– Research activity is focused in: Digitalization resources and CAD/CAM workflows, Behavior of Dental Materials and Application of Artificial Intelligence in dentistry
– More than 100 scientific articles (JCR) and 4 text books
– Associate Editor of Brazilean Dental Science Journal and Assistant editor of European Journal of Prosthodontics & Restorative Dentistry
– Member of the council and the specialist committee of the EPA (European Prosthodontics Association) as well as Past President (2018)
Doctor Bonfanti-Gris is currently a Research Fellow at Complutense University of Madrid and is pursuing her International PhD in collaboration with Zütich University. Her main areas of interest are mainly based on both Restorative and Prosthetic Dentistry and the implementation of New Technologies in our field. Overall, Doctor Bonfanti-Gris has dedicated part of her academic life to evaluate how Artificial Intelligence can be applied and integrated into the clinicians‘ daily work.
Dr. Abou-Aaysh is the Deputy Department Chair at the Department of Reconstructive Dentistry and Gerdodontolgy, University of Bern, Switzerland. Furthermore, he serves as the head of the Section for Digital Reconstructive- and Implant Dentistry. He received his dental degree from the University of Freiburg (Germany) in 2011. From 2012 to 2016, he worked as a research assistant at the Department of Prosthetic Dentistry in Freiburg, Germany (Head: Prof. J. Strub). He has dual certification in reconstructive dentistry (German Association for Prosthetic Dental Medicine and Biomaterials, DGPro; Swiss Society of Reconstructive Dentistry SSRD) and implant dentistry (German Association for Implantology, DGI). Dr. Abou-Ayash is an ITI Fellow and member of several national and international dental organizations. His main research focus is on novel prosthodontic treatment concepts using digital techniques.
– Degree in Dentistry. Universitat de València. 2006
– Doctor in Dentistry (phD). Universitat de València. 2013
– Professor (Teacher Contracted Dr.) of the Degree in Dentistry. Coordinator of the subject Dental Prosthesis I. Universitat de València.
– Director of the Master’s Degree in Advanced Dental Prosthetics. Universitat de València.
– Master’s Degree in Dental Prosthetics (MsC). Universitat de València. 2008
– Master in Implantology and Oral Rehabilitation. University of Paris XI. 2009
– Diplome d’Université d’Implantologie Chirurgicale Orale et Maxillofaciale Université Paul Sabatier- Toulouse. 2010
– Author of several scientific publications (more than 40 articles, 4 books…)
– Lecturer in continuing education courses.
– President of the Centro de Estudios Odontoestomatológicos.
Prof. Dr. Tim Joda is Head of eHealth in Reconstructive at the Center for Dental Medicine, University of Zurich, since 2022. He is triple board-certified in Prosthodontics, Periodontology, and Implantology. Tim holds an MSc degree in Prosthodontics & Biomaterials, a PhD in Digital Implant Workflows and an executive MBA. He was a former ITI-Scholar at the University of Bern (2011), later he received the venia legendi “Privatdozent” (2016) and was appointed Associate Professor (2018). Tim was also the founding Director of the Division of Digital Reconstructive Technology & Implantology in Bern. In 2018, he was appointed Vice Chair and Program Director of Postgraduate Education at the Department of Reconstructive Dentistry, University of Basel. Tim is Principal Investigator and actively involved in clinical and translational research on implant workflows and prosthetic treatment concepts in the field of digital technologies and e-health data management using AI and ML.
Affiliated with Department of Prosthodontics Charité-Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Germany. Specialize in Prosthodontics and Implantology. Filed of research: immediate implant, bone resorption, 3d-printing, meta-analysis, bacterial leakage, CAD/CAM dental material, tooth wear, occlusion on implant, machine learning.
Francisco Martínez-Rus is full-time associate professor in restorative dentistry at the University Complutense of Madrid (Spain), where he teaches on the degree in dentistry and the master’s degree in restorative dentistry based on new technologies. He graduated in dentistry from the University Complutense of Madrid (1999), from which he later received his master’s degree in prosthodontic (2001) and his PhD in dentistry (2005). He is also recognized specialist in prosthodontics by European Prosthodontic Association (EPA). He has published 30 articles in peer-reviewed journals and written a book chapter. As well as giving presentations and communications at national and international congresses, he has held numerous continuing education courses. He has also been Editor-in-Chief of “Revista Internacional de Prótesis Estomatológica” (Official Journal of Spanish Society of Prosthodontics and Aesthetic Dentistry) from 2019 to 2023.
Dr. Pedro Molinero Mourelle is Clinical, Research and Teaching Assistant at the Department of Reconstructive Dentistry and Gerodontology, University of Bern, were he obtained his Master of Advanced Studies and Doctorate in Reconstructive and Implant Dentistry.
He has a PhD with International Mention with the University of Hong Kong, a Master in Dental Science and a Master in Oral Surgery and Oral Implantology from the Complutense University of Madrid.
Degree in Dentistry from the Complutense University of Madrid (2017). Official Master in Dental Sciences of the Complutense University of Madrid (2018). Master in Restorative Dentistry based on New Technologies from the Complutense University of Madrid (2021). I am currently developing my doctoral thesis based on the applications of 3D printing in the field of dentistry. I combine it with an assistant position at the Complutense University of Madrid.
Rade Paravina, DDS, MS, PhD is a tenured Professor at UTHealth Houston School of Dentistry in the Department of Restorative Dentistry and Prosthodontics, and Director of the John M. Powers, PhD, Center for Biomaterials and Biomimetics. He serves as Vice President of the American Academy of Esthetic Dentistry (AAED) and Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Esthetic and Restorative Dentistry (JERD, Wiley, Impact Factor, IF=3.2).
– Degree in Dentistry from the University of Valencia. 2009
– Doctor in Dentistry (phD) University of Valencia. 2023
– Associate Professor at the University of Valencia.
– Collaborating Professor of the Master’s Degree in Advance Dental Prosthetics at the University of Valencia.
– Master’s Degree in Dental Prosthetics (MsC) from the University of Valencia.
– Official Master’s Degree in Dental Sciences from the University of Valencia.
– Diploma in Esthetic Dentistry from Clínica Aparicio.
– Diploma in Oral Rehabilitation and Occlusion from Dawson Academy Spain.
– Member of SEPES.
– Author of 30+ publications in national and international journals.
My name is Dr. Maren Soetebeer and I am a dentist and research associate in the Department of Prosthodontics, Geriatric Dentistry and Craniomandibular Disorders at the Charité Universitätsmedizin Berlin. I specialize in the treatment of complex, extensive prosthetic restorations on teeth and implants, usually treating both jaws. Dental treatment is carried out using the latest technology, including digital technology, with a focus on preserving tooth substance through minimally invasive procedures.
2010 State examination, doctorate in dental medicine (Dr. med. dent.)
2011-2017 Assistant Professor, Associate Professor (Department of Prosthetic Dentistry, Medical Center – University of Freiburg)
2014 Board-certification for Prosthodontics and Biomaterials (German Society for Prosthetic Dentistry)
2014 Board-certification for Oral Implantology (German Association of Oral Implantology)
2017-2020 Associate Professor, Deputy Chair (Department of Prosthodontics, Geriatric Dentistry and Craniomandibular Disorders, Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin)
2017 Docentship (Privatdozent)
since 03/2020: Professor and Chair of the Department of Prosthetic Dentistry, Medical Center, University of Freiburg
Dr. Tholey is a qualified dental technician and successfully completed his studies in dental technology in Osnabrück in 2005. He was department head / project manager Research & Development at VITA Zahnfabrik for 10 years and since 2015 Dr. Tholey has been in charge of our technical service (hotline, application technology, courses).