PROSEC North America – Onboarding

Topics and Tasks

The mission of PROSEC is to support proving the benefits of non-metallic dental materials and creating reliable standards for both users and patients. A lot of questions are being raised on new non-metallic possibilities of prosthetic restorations and there is a need for evidence-based recommendations as well as education.

  • In your opinion, what are the 3 major questions or tasks for PROSEC in North America?

Please prepare the topics for our individual Conference calls. Your feedback helps to enhace a tailored program for PROSEC NA and the first edition of the Partner Meeting.

PROSEC Partners

The way forward is through building up the community and jointly work out the topics relevant for you – in ceramic implantology and metal-free prosthetics. The aim is to build up an interdisciplinary, multi-professional, -gender and -ethnics community!
A potential PROSEC Partner is …
… an expert in his field
… interested in non-metallic dental materials
… a scientist, clinician or technician
… actively representing the interests of PROSEC.
The duration of the PROSEC partnership is open-end and free of charge.

The proposed persons will be reviewed in order to set-up an initial group for the first PROSEC NA Partner Meeting.

Communication, coordination, consensus

Due to the distance, we will have only limited possibilities for personal meetings. We will schedule brief conference calls for all involved in PROSEC North America.

  • Data exchange: gdrive

  • Alternative exchange tools are appreciated (E-mail)

PROSEC NA Partner Meeting

The first PROSEC NA Partner Meeting is planned for end of this year. All PROSEC NA Partners will be invited. Our annual Partner meeting will be including the following activities:

  • Board Lectures
  • Invited Lectures
  • PROSEC NA Partner Lectures
  • Discussion of initiatives and activities of PROSEC NA
  • What is your prefered date for having the event?

Planning PROSEC NA 2020

  • Topics & Tasks

  • Partner formation

  • Steering Com. Kick-off Meeting

  • Partner Meeting

  • Conference calls (web-based)

PROSEC NA Partner formation

PROSEC invites scientists, clinicans and dental technicians, interested in non-metallic dental resorations, to participate actively and free of charge in the network as PROSEC Partners.
Please name potential contacts by filling out the form on (min. 10, all gender and ethnics).