PROSEC Scientific Board

Im Scientific Board der PROSEC gGmbH sind ausschließlich erfahrene und kompetente Experten aus Wissenschaft, Zahnarztpraxis und Dentallabor tätig. Sie zeichnen sich aus durch ihre herausragende Erfahrung und Kompetenz im Bereich keramischer und metallfreier Versorgungen. Im Mittelpunkt ihrer Bemühungen steht die Optimierung der zahnärztlich-zahntechnischen Arbeitsabläufe, um die Versorgungsqualität nachhaltig zu verbessern. Das PROSEC Scientific Board gliedert sich in die Arbeitsbereiche Wissenschaft und Anwendung.

Fachgremium Wissenschaft

Die Aufgaben des Fachgremiums Wissenschaft umfassen das Erarbeiten von neuen Qualitätsstandards für vollkeramische beziehungsweise metallfreie Rehabilitationen. Funktion, Ästhetik, Patientennutzen, Materialverträglichkeit, Praxistauglichkeit und die Vorteile der CAD/CAM-gestützten Fertigung im Zusammenspiel mit manuellen Herstellungsmethoden werden dabei stets berücksichtigt.

Fachgremium Anwendung

Das Fachgremium Anwendung kümmert sich um die praxisnahe Fortbildung der Anwenderinnen und Anwender in Labor und Praxis. Das Behandlungs- beziehungsweise Fertigungsprotokoll wird dafür Schritt für Schritt in Richtlinien dokumentiert. Konkrete Handlungsempfehlungen werden erarbeitet, wo evidenzbasierte Entscheidungen noch nicht möglich sind.

Vernetzung und Organisation

Zu den Aufgaben des Scientific Boards gehört auch die Repräsentation von PROSEC in der wissenschaftlichen Community, die Initialisierung, Förderung und Betreuung von wissenschaftlichen Aktivitäten, Projekten und Studien, die Vorbereitung und Durchführung der Jahressitzungen mit den Fachgremiumsvorsitzenden, der PROSEC Partner Meetings und der PROSEC Partner Workshops.

Zwischen den Sitzungen üben die Vorsitzenden die Funktionen des Scientific Boards aus.

Chairpersons of the PROSEC Scientific Board

The Scientific Board elects the Chairpersons of PROSEC and the Technical Director of the PROSEC network from among its members.

Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Jörg Strub


Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Jörg R. Strub received a doctoral degree from and later qualified as a professor at the University of Zurich, Switzerland. He was awarded his honorary degree (Dr. h.c.) at the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece. He worked as a professor and medical director at the Department of Prosthetic Dentistry at Albert-Ludwig University, Freiburg, Germany, and has been a professor emeritus since 2016. Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Jörg R. Strub continues to work as a consultant for businesses.

Prof. Dr. Florian Beuer

Vice Chairman
Science Committee

Prof. Beuer is a certified specialist in implantology and dental prosthetics and a member of the Executive Board of the Working Group for Ceramics (AG Keramik), and has been an educational consultant on the Executive Board of DGI since 2015.

Dr. Michael Tholey

Vice Chairman
Clinical Concepts Committee

Dr. Tholey is a qualified dental technician and successfully completed his studies in dental technology in Osnabrück in 2005. He was department head / project manager Research & Development at VITA Zahnfabrik for 10 years and since 2015 Dr. Tholey has been in charge of our technical service (hotline, application technology, courses).

PROSEC Scientific Board

The members of the Scientific Board are appointed and recalled by the PROSEC shareholder meeting by a simple majority.

Prof. Dr. Ronald Jung

Clinical Concepts Committee

Prof. Jung specializes in crown-bridge prosthetics, partial prosthetics and dental materials science and is professor of implantology and head of the implantology department at the University of Zurich.

Dr. Sven-Marcus Beschnidt

Clinical Concepts Committee

As one of Germany’s top medical practitioners, Dr. Sven-Marcus Beschnidt excels in microsurgery, implantology and esthetic dentistry.

Prof. Dr. Barbara Nebe

Science Committee

Prof. Nebe has been Head of the Cell Biology Department at Rostock University Medical Center since 2013. Her research focuses on cell-biological aspects of biosystem-material interaction, cellular acceptance of plasma-chemically and topographically modified biomaterials, regulation of cell physiology in three-dimensional implant scaffolds and the cell-structure-cell function relationship, cellular adhesion.

Luc Rutten

Clinical Concepts Committee

Dental Technician Luc Rutten is a lab owner specializing in ceramics and esthetic implantology. He specifically uses the latest digital technologies as well as analog skills. He has gained international renown through numerous international lectures, publications and advisory board activities and is internationally renown for his through numerous international lectures, publications and advisory board activities.

Patrick Rutten

Clinical Concepts Committee

Dental Technician Patrick Rutten is a lab owner specializing in ceramics and esthetic implantology. He specifically uses the latest digital technologies as well as analog skills. He has gained international renown through numerous international lectures, publications and advisory board activities.

Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Christoph Hämmerle

Science Committee

Prof. Christoph Hämmerle’s group deals scientifically and clinically with solidly attached reconstructions on teeth and implants. The main focus is on the development and evaluation of all-ceramic reconstructions.

Prof. Dr. Sigmar Schnutenhaus

Clinical Concepts Committee

Die Tätigkeitsschwerpunkte von Prof. Dr. Sigmar Schnutenhaus sind die Parodontologie und die Implantologie, in denen er jeweils erfolgreich ein Masterstudium absolvierte. Er hat mehr als zwanzig Jahre Erfahrung als implantologisch tätiger Zahnarzt.

PROSEC Honorary Founding Member

Prof. Dr. Dr. Wilfried Wagner saw the trend towards metal-free, ceramic restoration solutions in implantology early on. He also saw the need to underpin these new technologies with reliable research and structured training in order to establish them successfully in practice. This is why he encouraged the formation of PROSEC and was involved in setting up the expert network as a founding member. He has played a major role in its success.

PROSEC is grateful for his valuable contributions and looks forward to his future support as an honorary advisor!

Prof. Dr. Dr. Wilfried Wagner

Vice Chairman until March 2021 and member of the Science Committee.

Prof. Wagner is a specialist in OMF surgery, plastic surgery and the science of oral medicine, in particular questions of tumor biology, in plastic surgery with cleft lip and palates, functional tumor reconstruction as well as fundamentals of implantology and bone replacement.