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Webinar with Prof. Dr. Tim Joda

We cordially invite you to participate in the PROSEC Webinar on Wednesday, 18th January 2023.

Join Prof. Dr. Tim Joda to hear his lecture:
Artificial Intelligence in Prosthodontics
Disruptive Innovation: What it is and what could be next?

The following link will take you to the PROSEC Facebook page. There you can start the Livestream at 6 pm CET. https://www.facebook.com/prosec.networks/

We recommend that you log in on Facebook before starting the Livestream. This prevents any interruptions due to Facebook’s login requests.

What is the topic of the webinar?

The oral healthcare sector is significantly influenced by the ubiquitous trend of digitalization. Some of these digital developments have the potential to result in disruptive changes for dental practice, while others may turn out to be just a pipe dream.
Up-to-date reconstructive dentistry focuses on innovations built on artificial intelligence [AI] as the center-technology influencing (1) dental e-health data management, (2) clinical and technical healthcare applications, as well as (3) services and operations. AI systems enable personalized prosthetic workflows by analyzing all e-health data gathered from an individual patient. Besides dental-specific data, this also includes genomic, proteomic, and metabolic information; and therefore, facilitates optimized treatment strategies including risk prediction. Based on the power of AI, the triangular frame of data <> care <> service is supplemented by technological advancements in the field of social media, internet of things, augmented and virtual reality, rapid prototyping, and intraoral optical scanning as well as telehealth.
The focus on patient-centered research and the development of personalized dental medicine has the potential to improve individual and public health and to clarify the interconnectivity of disease in a more cost-effective way.