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Webinar with Dr. Julián Conejo

We cordially invite you to participate in the PROSEC Webinar on Wednesday, August 16, 2023.

Join Dr. Julián Conejo (UPenn) to hear his lecture:
Optimized Bonding and Material Selection Update for Posterior Ceramic Restorations.

The following link will take you to the PROSEC Facebook page: www.facebook.com/prosec.networks.

There you can start the Livestream at 6 pm CET.
We recommend that you log in on Facebook before starting the Livestream. This prevents any interruptions due to Facebook’s login requests.

What is the topic of the webinar?
A step by step digital workflow to improve success rates on single and multiple-unit tooth and implant restorations with CEREC will be presented.
Bonding optimization and proper material selection are crucial for the long-term success of tooth and implant-supported posterior restorations. Scientific studies and step by step clinical protocols will be described in this lecture with the objective of improving success rates for single posterior ceramic restorations thru proper material selection.

Present an update on available ceramic materials for single posterior ceramic restorations.
Discuss digital impression techniques for tooth and implant-supported restorations and their respective manufacturing workflows.
Review cementation techniques for full and partial coverage restorations.

Questions which will be answered:
What are the benefits of implementing hybrid ceramics on posterior restorations?
What is your preferred material/prep design for endo-treated molars?
How to choose between conventional and full adhesive cementation techniques?